PhotoVoice is a 7 week project designed to engage middle-school youth in learning skills to make change in their communities. Each youth participant is provided with a digital camera and instructed on photography skills. They are asked to utilize those skills to document the strengths and weaknesses of their communities through photographs and identify what changes they need within their communities that will provide them the opportunities to achieve their individual goals and dreams.
Each week a different theme: Basic Needs, Lifelong Learning, Nutrition, Advocacy/Rules, Social Changes and Influences, is discussed and the participants leave with the assignment of returning the next week with 5 photographs that represent the theme that was discussed. Throughout these weekly “classes”, participants also learn key skills including public speaking, advocacy, relationship building and conflict resolution. At the conclusion of the 7 weeks, CAPNEMO staff makes arrangements for public displays and presentations of the photographs to be made by the participants. Such presentations may be made to public school Boards, City Council, County Commissioners, civic groups, neighborhood associations and others.
For more information, please contact Angie Sullivan at 660-665-9855.